The goal of the "Surreal Digital Photography" book cover is to edit photos in order to create surreal imagery.
For this project, I set a scene of two worlds. On top is a very grey, bleak, bending world that a grey bleak man falls out of, with giant hands reaching toward him. He falls into a very saturated galaxy which leads to a portal with an "EXIT" sign, where the bright green of the portal shines on him.
My goal was to represent an escape from a dreary life that one may hate. I purposefully chose a business man because they are perceived as people leading that "dreary" life. Making a change in your life can feel like the rush of falling into a new world. Just like the viewer doesn't know where the portal on the cover goes, someone making a change may not know where their decision will take them, but it still looks exciting. The hands represent people in your life who want to keep you in your unhappy world for their own personal gain.

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